Great Ocean Road Woollen Mill

Client Details

Great Ocean Road Woollen Mill was established in 2015 with the aim of providing the most ethical, sustainable and environmentally friendly yarns in the world. We were engaged by Visit Ballarat and Ballarat Regional Tourism to provide a Content Development Program to local hospitality and tourism operators. After developing a multi-session program we met individually with the operators, or their teams, to educate and provide insight into photography, videography and copy writing for digital marketing

Excellent program. Very well delivered. Presentations and handouts were very well structured and useful to follow as well as to refer back to. The content was fantastic: hands on and detailed which is very relevant on all levels. It was very up to date given the forever changing world of social media. A course I can recommend to everyone who runs a business! Thank you for letting me take part. – Isabel Renters

Folio Pieces

Email Marketing

Social Media Management

Content Creation

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